Iyengar Yoga courses, Helsinki
This page is an abbreviation of the other pages, in which you find the full information about the courses.
When there are non-Finnish speakers, the classes or courses will be taught bilingually to some extent, but they will not be fully translated word to word.
Spring Semester 2024
The spring season begins on the January 17th and continues till the May 30th 2024.
There are no classes during the winter brake 18.–22.2. and public holidays (easter Sunday, vappu, Ascension day).
Full semester courses: 7.1.–30.5.2024
Tuesdays 5.30–7 PM – levels 1–2
This group is structured according to the skill level of the participants and is best suited for those familiar with Iyengar yoga. Beginners of Iyengar yoga are required to have either an otherwise physical activity or yoga background to attend in this online streaming course. Participants are required to keep the camera on and follow instructions, as in close contact teaching.
Minimum props: yoga blocks, yoga belt, blankets, shoulder stand pads, or equipment replacing these yoga props.
Recording is made of this course, which can be utilized for compensating classes or for the recording service (for an extra fee).
One can also attend in this course by ordering only the recordings of the classes.
Studio Yama, Alexander theater
Wednesdays 7.15–8.45 PM – levels 1–2
This class is built on the experience level of the participants. In the beginning of the season more basics are covered if needed.
Thursdays 6.25–7.55 PM – levels 2–3/ experienced
This course is best suited for students with at least 2–3 years of experience in Iyengar yoga practice. The student should be able to go up to headstand independently (with or without the wall) and stay for 5 minutes comfortably + know how to build up a shoulder stand set up independently and stay for 8-10 minutes comfortably. Participants of this course have a solid attitude towards their own practice and inclination to develop their practice further.
Location: Studio Yama, Alexander Theater, top floor, Bulevardi 27 – a fully equipped yoga studio
Munkkivuori Youth Center
Sundays 6.30–8 PM – level 2/ all levels
This course is best suited for students who are already familiar with Iyengar yoga
Location: Raumantie 5, Munkkivuori – bring your own mat (+ other yoga props if you have)!! In this hall, there are no mats and basic props only for about 4 students.
Compensation of missed classes.
Missed classes can be compensated in other classes of the semester, during the semester (not expandable to next semester). Please bear in mind, that the basic idea for the small group teachins is that you commit to the course you enroll in.
The course fee
- the course fee (full semester) 310 €/ early-bird* 280 €
- two courses (full semester), 1 person, course fee 510 €/ early-bird* 480 €
- 10 times card (valid for the whole season) 180 €/ early-bird* 170 €
- 5 times card (valid for 2 months) 100 €
- early bird* enrollment for full semester via google form (the course fee must be paid within the due date to get the early-bird course fee)
- very low income discount (eligible for KELA support), same as early-bird fee – this discount price is granted by stating your KELA eligibility upon enrolling
- the course fee includes VAT 10%.
- the invoice is sent by email within 1–5 days after enrolling and is to be paid before the course begins
Recording service
- 30 € for class compensation expansion, use of recording for 3 day of a streamed class during the missed week (Tuesday, or one’s own class if it is streamed)
- participation in a course with recordings, the same fee as above for live courses – use of recording for 7 days of a weekly online class (Tuesday) – please note, the teaching will be in Finnish if no one of the streaming students are English speaking
- the recording fee includes VAT 24 %.
Please enroll well in advance by sending an email: jooga[at]lauhahalonen.com
Please bear in mind that the enrollments are binding: if you cancel your enrollment after the due date of enrollment you will need to pay 50% of the course fee.
The course fees/ 10 times cards are personal. In the case of a long term illness the possibility of transferring the course fee for next semester etc. can be discussed individually. Should such need arise, inform about the situation as soon as possible. For medical reasons the medical certificate is required.
Unfortunately absense from classes due to covid-19 infection and quarantine/ isolation cannot be compensated outside the semester. The Zoom classes are provided to enable practising at home.
The full course information is in Finnish in other sections of this web site and one should either use a translator program or ask for more details. This page is an abbreviation of the information.
Please see: Hinnat ja ilmoittautumiset, Kurssi-info
My name is Lauha Halonen and I am a certified Iyengar yoga teacher (level 3/ Junior Intermediate 3), mentor and assessor. I have strong interest in the therapeutical applications of Iyengar yoga and continue my studies in Iyengar yoga with some of the most experienced teachers in the West, the Iyengars and senior teachers of RIMYI .
I started practicing yoga 20 years ago and found Iyengar yoga while studying yoga for four months in Bangalore, India, 2005 for my studies in anthropology. I have been teaching for 15 years, and have been quite determined to study further in order to have a bigger and wider toolbox for my students. Over the years I have worked with a wide range of people: from absolute beginners to teachers, from young and fit to elderly, and people dealing with different issues.
Yoga is about self-study and integration, and the yogic techniques are a tool for this purpose. I enjoy tremendously sharing yoga, what I have been taught and what I have learnt. As a teacher, I both encourage and challenge the students to go further in their practice. Typical to Iyengar Yoga, my teaching style is clear, precise and intense. I teach bilingually when there are international students.
By education I am social- and cultural anthropologist and wrote my master’s thesis about yoga. I also have the pedagogical qualification in adult education. I have completed both degrees in the University of Helsinki.
All information and registrations by email to jooga[at]lauhahalonen.com
I teach also private classes and corporate groups. Ask for more information if interested